Friday, April 30, 2010

new upload: Cinematic Synth

Cinematic Synth
Absynth 5 only - filesize 8,2 KB - zip contains the ksd - no samples used
Chan A carries a selfdrawn waveform in Sync Granular Mode, processed by a Cloudfilter and a Supercomb. Chan B caries a Double Osc. the Balan ce between Main and Mod Waveform is controlled by a temposynced, squareshaped LFO. Osc B is then processed by an envelope controlled Bandpass and a LPF 4 Pole Filter. Chan C carries a drony, waveshaped sound, it's Volume is controlled with the Modwheel. A LPF 8 Pole Filter in the Master section (Macros assigned to Filter Cutoff Frequency and Feedback amount) with LFO-morphed waveshaped Filterfeedback processes the signal furtherly before it his the Resonators in the FX section, FX Filter Frequency controlled by a looped envelope.
Check the Macro, Envelope and LFO page for further Modulation sources and targets
MP3 Demo
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Thursday, April 29, 2010

new upload: Vocal Dreaming

Very warm and ethereal vocal patch
Absynth 5 only - filesize 5,1 MB - zip folder contains the ksd and two samples (wav/48khz/24 Bit)
Two female vocal samples from a recent project edited in Melodyne played back in Granular mode, Sample Playhead position and speed controlled by looped envelopes. Chan A carries a single note, Chan B carries a higher phrase singing a straight note and moving up a semitone, the samples are tuned in octaves. Both voices are processed by envelope driven Cloud Filters, the wet/dry Balance is controlled with the Modwheel. A Supercomb in the Master section can be added by using the assigned Macro which controls the Supercomb's ringmodulated Feedback. A tuneable Aetherizer space provides the neccessary spaciousness, make sure the assigned Macro for the Aetherizer's pitch is set to where you want it to be, otherwise the Patch gets all detund which of course can be very desirable. Both Channels have their volumes assigned to Macros so you can balance between the two voices.
MP3 Demo
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

new upload: Barrelscrape

Absynth 5 only - filesize 8,4 MB - zip folder contains the ksd and two samples (wav/48khz/24 Bit)
The sample of a big Barrel being dragged over a stone floor is used in Channels A+B in granular mode run through envelope controlled Waveshapers. The playhead position of the sample is controlled by looped envelopes. Chan B has a LFO-morphed Frequency Shifter apllied, the temposynced LFO 1 switches between Chan A+B, LFO amount is controlled via the Modwheel. Chan C carries a similar looped Barrelscrape sample in normal Sampler mod set to a fixed pitch, pitch controlled by a looped envelope. A Macro-controlled Supercomb and a Cloudfilter in the Master section process the sound furtherly before an envelope controlled Multicomb in the FX section adds the final touches. Check the Macro, Envelope and LFO page for further Modulation sources and targets.

get it here: