Friday, May 18, 2012

New upload: Need a Sequence?

The Oscillators in both channels run in FM mode, their pitches controlled by a temposynced step sequence in Retrigger mode. Macro 5 controls the amount of FM modulation in both channels. Macro 6 tunes the Modulators up 2 octaves, their waveforms are being morphed by a temposynced LFO. Both channels have a waveshaper and a Lowpass Filter applied, the LFO-controlled waveform morphing of the Waveshaper in Channels 2 is controllable with Macro 4, the Cutoff of the LPs are assigned to Macro 7 and you can add frequency-shifted Filter Feedback with Macro 8. The volume of Channel B is controllable with Macro 3, Macros 1+2 control the panning positions of the temposynced panning-envelope for Channel A. The balance of the Cloudfilter in the Master section is controllable with Macro 12, Macros 9-11 are assigned to the Resonators in the FX section. The Modwheel detunes both Oscillators. Check the LFO and envelope pages for further modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).

Grab it here

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New upload: Dreamish

Channel A plays a sample in Granular mode made by convoluting water sounds in Metasynth, processed by a LFO-controlled Allpass and a Supercomb. Add LFO-modulated Filter Feedback with Macro 5, turn up the resonance of the Combfilter with Macro 6 and add pitch modulation to the Comb with Macro 2. The sample playhead position is envelope-controlled, speed up the envelope with Macro 1. The Modwheel adds detune to the grains of Oscillator A. Channel 2 has the Oscillator running in Fractalize mode using a resynthed Chromazone sample as it's waveform. It is processed by a Cloudfilter and a LPF 4 Pole, control the LPF Cutoff with Macro 7. Channel C adds a more basic sound with a tuned Bandpass Filter for adding some body and warmth to the patch. The volumes of Channels B+C are assigned to Macros 3+4. The Cutoff of the Highpass FIlter in the Master section is controllable with Macro 8. Macros 9-12 are assigned to the Aetherizer in the FX section. Please check the LFO and envelope pages for modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).