Thursday, June 14, 2012

Two new patches uploaded

There are 2 new patches online on
Fear no more
Night Thoughts

All subscribers can grab them here.

This demo combines both patches:

Friday, May 18, 2012

New upload: Need a Sequence?

The Oscillators in both channels run in FM mode, their pitches controlled by a temposynced step sequence in Retrigger mode. Macro 5 controls the amount of FM modulation in both channels. Macro 6 tunes the Modulators up 2 octaves, their waveforms are being morphed by a temposynced LFO. Both channels have a waveshaper and a Lowpass Filter applied, the LFO-controlled waveform morphing of the Waveshaper in Channels 2 is controllable with Macro 4, the Cutoff of the LPs are assigned to Macro 7 and you can add frequency-shifted Filter Feedback with Macro 8. The volume of Channel B is controllable with Macro 3, Macros 1+2 control the panning positions of the temposynced panning-envelope for Channel A. The balance of the Cloudfilter in the Master section is controllable with Macro 12, Macros 9-11 are assigned to the Resonators in the FX section. The Modwheel detunes both Oscillators. Check the LFO and envelope pages for further modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).

Grab it here

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New upload: Dreamish

Channel A plays a sample in Granular mode made by convoluting water sounds in Metasynth, processed by a LFO-controlled Allpass and a Supercomb. Add LFO-modulated Filter Feedback with Macro 5, turn up the resonance of the Combfilter with Macro 6 and add pitch modulation to the Comb with Macro 2. The sample playhead position is envelope-controlled, speed up the envelope with Macro 1. The Modwheel adds detune to the grains of Oscillator A. Channel 2 has the Oscillator running in Fractalize mode using a resynthed Chromazone sample as it's waveform. It is processed by a Cloudfilter and a LPF 4 Pole, control the LPF Cutoff with Macro 7. Channel C adds a more basic sound with a tuned Bandpass Filter for adding some body and warmth to the patch. The volumes of Channels B+C are assigned to Macros 3+4. The Cutoff of the Highpass FIlter in the Master section is controllable with Macro 8. Macros 9-12 are assigned to the Aetherizer in the FX section. Please check the LFO and envelope pages for modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).

Monday, April 16, 2012

new uploads: Horn meets Sax and Transmissions

And two more patches are online now:
Horn meets Sax - Church Instruments
Transmissions - Futuristic Soundscape

Here is a demo for Horn meets Sax.

new uploads: Book of Thoughts and Grunge Synth

There are 2 new patches available on today:
Book of Thought - Dark Spookyness
Grunge Synth - Big grungy synth

grab'em here

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

new upload: Could be a Pad

Channels A+B panned hard left/right use a self drawn waveform processed by a Bandpass in key follow mode and a Cloudfilter. The Cloud in Channel B is tuned up an octave. The volumes of Channels A+B are assigned to Macro 3. Channel C in Single mode is processed by a LP Filter, it's resonance modulated by a Frequency Shifter and a LFO-controlled Waveshaper in module C2. Control the Input Gain of the Waveshaper with Macro 5 and the volume of Channel C with Macro 4. In the Master section there is a LPF 4 Pole Filter, control the Cutoff with Macro 6, frequency shifter-modulated feedback with Macro 7 and the frequency of the shifter with Macro 8. With the Macro 8 slider in hard right position it's tuned to a fourth below the main pitch. The Modwheel adds pitchmod to all Channels. The Aetherizer in the FX section has Macros 9-11 assigned, tune up the Grain Cloud an octave with Macro 11. Please check the LFO and envelope pages for more modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).


Grab it here

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

new upload: Scrape Scape

This patch contains 2 versions:
Scrape Scape 1 (org): The sample of scraping on the edge of a Tamtam with a metal stick is used in Channel A (Sample mode) processed by a tuned Supercomb Filter and a LPF 2 Pole Filter. Control the Comb Feedback with Macro 6 and the Resonance of the LPF with Macro 5. Channel 2 adds a selfdrawn synthetic wave in Fractalize mode run through a Bandpass and a Cloudfilter. Channel C uses another Tamtam sample, irregular hits with a metal stick. It runs in Granular mode, control the sample speed with Macro 1. It is also processed by a tuned Combfilter (Macro 7 for Feedback) and a LPF (Macro 8 for Cutoff). The Ringmodulator in the Master section has a x/y-pad assigned for balance and pitch, vibrato can be added to the Combfilters with the Modwheel and Macro 14 controls the Cutoff of the LPF in the Master section. Macros 2-4 control the individual channel volumes. In the upper regions of this patch weird resonances occur. Check the LFO and envelopes pages for modulation sources and targets.

Scrape Scape 2 (var): This patch uses only the scrape sample in Channels A and B, B is tuned down an octave, The Modwheel controls the Balance of the Cloudfilters which add a fixed tonal texture to the sound by tuning the Filter Grains to Dom7, In Channel A there is also an Allpass Filter (Macro 6 for Resonance and Macro 1 for FIltermod speed). The resonance of the LPF Filter in the Master section is modulated by a Frequency Shifter, Macro 5 controls the FS speed. High FS speeds with the Modwheel fully up yield interesting results.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).


Friday, February 17, 2012

new upload: New Age Birds

A virtuosic bird I recorded during summer some years ago is singing in Channel 2 in Granular mode, processed by a Bandpass Filter with key follow. Control it's volume with Macro 3 and the sample speed with with Macro 4, add Filter modulation with Macro 8 and control the Modspeed with Macro 12. I resynthed that bird in Metasynth and played back the resynthed audio with some Flagolet guitar samples (from my soundset Warped Strings for Alchemy) tuning the resynthed data to a customized pitch scale and then filtering it with a crazy picture file. That resynthed texure plays in Channel A, control the Highpass Cutoff with Macro 5, Filter Cloud Balance with Macro 6 and Filter Mod speed (LFO controlled Bandpass) with Macro 7. Sample speed for Channel 1 is controllable with Macro 2. The grain size for both samples can be tweaked with Macro 1, the Modwheel adds random pitch modulation to the grains of both samples. With Macro 14 you can control the Master Lowpass Cutoff. The Pipe FX in the FX section has Macros 9-11 assigned.
Check the LFO page for further modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).


Monday, January 9, 2012

new upload: Hypno Panner

In this rather hypnotic patch the amplitudes of all Oscillators are controlled by a temposynced envelopes. Oscillator A runs in Double mode, the Waveform in the Mod Tab is modulated/morphed by a LFO. A Cloudfilter and a LPF 4 Pole Filter process the signal, you can tune the Cloudfilter up an octave with Macro 5 and control the LP Cutoff wih Macro 4. The Modwheel controls the balance bewteen the Main and the Mod wave. Macro 1 controls the range (+1 octave) of a temposynced pitch envelope. Oscillator B runs in FM mode and has a temposynced envelope assigned to it's panning. Control the pitch of the Modulator wave with Macro 7. An Allpass Filter processes the signal. Oscillator C also runs in FM mode with envelope-controlled panning and a LPF 4 Pole Filter with LFO-controlled waveshaped Filter Feedback. In the Master section a LPF 2 Pole Filter let's you reduce the overall Cutoff with Macro 8. The Aetherizer in the FX section has Macros 9-11 assigned. There is a lot of wave-morphing going on in this patch, please check the LFO and enevelope pages for further modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).

Here is a little video with automating Hypno Panner in Logic:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Absynth Tutorial 1: Granular Worx

As this is one of the most frequently asked questions, here is a tutorial video about controlling sample playhead position/speed in Granular mode with envelopes.

new upload: Raining

Channels A+B both carry the same sample in Granular mode, a mysterious texture I made with Metasynth. In Channel A this sound is processed by a LFO-controlled Frequency Shifter, in Channel B the sample is tuned up an octave, sample playhead position/speed is controlled by looped envelopes, control the envelope's speed with Macro 2 and add pitch randomization to the sample grains with Macro 5. In Channel C there is an Oscillator in Sync Granular mode processed by a LPF 4 Pole Filter. Add LFO-controlled Filter modulation and resonance with Macro 14 and Pitch modulation with the Modwheel (Macro 13). In the Master section there is a LFO-morphed Waveshaper and a Cloudfilter with an envelope controlling the Filter Cutoff. Control the Cloudfilter Balance with Macro 5 and the speed of the envelope with Macro 1. The speed of the Waveshaper morphing and the morphing of the Frequency Shifter in module A2 is controllable with Macro 7, the Input Gain of the Waveshaper can be controlled with Macro 8. The Aetherizer in the FX section has Macros 9-12 assigned. Please check the envelope and LFO pages for further modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).
There is a vid on youtube displaying the automation of this patch.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

1st video attempt

My first shitty video of an automated Absynth 5 patch I finished today - I decided to get into tutorials a bit, my video skills are not there yet :) - but the sound is alright

new upload: SpaceQuencer

Oscillator A carries a sample I made by processing the sample of a Tam Tam (Gong) played with a Rubberball in Paulstretch, changing the harmonic content, stretching and binauralizing it. A temposynced envelope sequence assigned to the amplitude can be activated by turning Macro 1 downwards. The Resonance/Feedback of the Allpass Filter in Module A1 is processed by a Frequency Shifter controlled by the same envelope sequence which also controls the pitch of Oscillator B. Macro 5 controls the Filter Resonance so turning it up will make that sequence audible. A LFO-controlled, temposynced pitch modulation can be added to Osc A with Macro 6. Oscillator B has a 2-bar temposynced pitch sequence running, the amplitude is controlled by a temposynced LFO. The Cutoff of the LPF 4 Pole Filter in B2 is controllable with Macro 7 and ringmodulated Filter Feedback can be added with Macro 8. A Waveshaper in the Master section adds some edge and the Balance of the envelope-controlled Cloudfilter in the Master section is assigned to the Modwheel. In the FX section a temposynced Multitap Delay adds some spaciousness (Macros 9+10). Macros 3+4 are assigned to the Channel Volumes of A+B. Please check the envelope and LFO pages for further modulation sources and targets.
The download folder contains two patch formats: ksd (old Absynth) and nab (new Absynth).

get it here